Pablo Perez
ACE [artist curated event] online video October 8th:
Air States
Air States is an audio and visual collection curated by Los Angeles sound artist Pablo Perez of sonic explorations celebrating errors, brokenness, and recycled audio artifacts. Five artists were selected to submit their own interpretation of brokeninty recontextualized into compositional sound epiphanies enhanced by video accompaniments.
Videos by Mike Dobler, The2VVO, Dillon Bastan, Kerby Ferris, Pablo Perez, Gabie Strong with Visualization by John Pearson.
About the Artists:
Mike Dobler
Visuals are performed on Sleepy Circuits Hypno using outdated firmware. Hypno, traditionally geometric and fractally, is set to its limits resulting in unintended consequences of minimalism (minus the chroma).
Sounds are generated by Equation Composer (discontinued). Apparently the modulation affects lines of code in an already-goofy glitch source.
Modulation: Tactile in real time via sloppily smearing cables across copper plates on Make Noise Teleplexer (underrated); signals from Wogglebug and Mannequins Just Friends. Results are non-reproducible.
Mike Dobler is currently an active billiards philosopher and chaos enthusiast.
Likes: Coconut frozen things and kayak techno sunsets.
Dislikes: Microplastics and censorship of the fuck word.
Artist website | Bandcamp
In the live set we explore error as a driving mechanism or a building block of improvisation. It features both electronic or synthesized elements, as well as acoustic. The former is expressed through a faulty hard drive, whose pulses are not only sonified, but also provide a temporal reference for analog synthesizers. The counterpoint to that is an evolving texture born out of a nearly ritualistic process of paper being ripped. It emphasizes the constitution of the space, time, and scene itself, including all elements that may affect and problematize its course of action.
The2vvo (thezwo) is an artist duo from Kazakhstan currently living between Berlin and Los Angeles, made up of Eldar Tagi (sound art) and Lena Pozdnyakova (sculpture, architecture, visual arts). The duo explores the complicated dynamics between cultures and spaces, objects and processes through sound, sculpting, and performance.
instagram | Bandcamp
Dillon Bastan
“Dillon Bastan is an error artist. In his latest mistake, “Shaped by rorre”, he totally fucks up the nature of error.”
Artist website | Instagram
Kerby Ferris
"Secondary Laws for Mechanics and Chance" is a time palindrome about chaos and order, both arising from both.
All sounds and triggers are sourced entirely from captured audio, and processed together with random data and boolean logic, in the context of a generative modular patch.
Kerby Ferris is a musician and a builder. She is listening for the chemical clock rhythm that sounds under unstable, nonlinear, and nonequilibrium conditions.
Artist website | Bandcamp
Pablo Perez
I am in a deteriorating relationship with control, perfection and validation. This work honors the gravitational pull to errors, noise, nonsense, and the creation-destruction lifecycle. It is an exercise in contradiction. It is a document of me succeeding at my own failures and insecurities. It is the the new beauty. It is I and I is it.
Pablo Perez: Instagram | Facebook
Gabie Strong: Artist website | Instagram
John Pearson: Artist website | Instagram
Performance On-site June 4th:
“Brokenity” is a collaboration between sound artist Pablo Perez and Mike Dobler. It explores the broken sonic relfections, machine error states, recorded audio’s, and dismissed environmental ambience. It is a narration of how noises interact with each other outside their harmonic, melodic and rhythmic components. It reverses the listeners priority and showcases the hidden sonic languages that celebrates the broken.
More information on June 4th on-site event.
About the Artists:
Pablo Perez has been a prolific presence in the Los Angeles experimental underground, having performed numerous times at local arts organization Coaxial, The Getty Museum, Sound Pedro, Handbag Noise Festival, Late Breakfast, Triptronics events at Echo Park’s Little Joy, Noise Engineering Noise Blast, and more. Additionally, he was the first performer at the first Synthplex Synthesizer festival and gear expo, and he helps co-run the free outdoor Modular On The Spot events in Los Angeles, a beloved series combining the communal bond of a picnic setting with performances exclusively utilizing modular synths.
Mike Dobler is a live composer and performer using modular and boutique electronic equipment. The compositions are technique-focused, emphasizing on spontaneous and improvised exploration towards a precarious unknown destination with a few jump scares and comic relief along the way. Whoops, that's the Jungle Cruise.
Artist Location: Los Angeles, CA