Martha Riva Palacio Obón
Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site and online June 4th:
Persephone awakes X / Perséfone despierta X
This piece is the tenth iteration of a sound essay built from the digital mix of human voice and crickets chirping in different frequencies. Compost: subtle variations of the same chaos. Fluid, nomadic entities fuze into one single sonic body. Symbiosis. Paraphrasing Salomé Voegelin, a multiplicity of possible worlds emerge from these dis/harmonies that sometimes are considered monstrous.
Woman-goddess-insect stirs the earth, brings us spring.
The fish are electrons gliding over the water: an electric blue flash, ghost particles.
This track is part of a project called Following crickets around the house. I mix a single house cricket chirping in different frequencies. Our rhythms get entangled, here I evoke the cosmic chant of a shoal of fish.
More information on June 4th on-site event.
About the Artist:
Mexican sound artist and author. She studied psychology and visual arts, and is part of the art and science collective Cúmulo de Tesla. In 2020, her project Following crickets around the house was granted the Otherwise Fellowship. Her sound essays have been presented in spaces and festivals such as Radiophrenia, Tsonami and Sur Aural among others. She is the human responsible for Sono-bot, a bot that generates an infinite inventory of probable and improbable sounds on Twitter. Her story Biography of Algae was published in Strange Horizons.
Artist Location: Mexico City
Social Media: Twitter