Andre Perim
VBODOBV [sounding videos]:
The Artist uses glitch art and digital deterioration techniques to build a virtual journey into the underground of an imaginary metropolis
More information VBODOBV 2022.
Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site and online June 4th:
Electronic Possession
ELECTRONIC POSSESSION is a Sound Art work based in an imaginary Sci-Fiction movie where machines are possessed by an some kind of supernatural entity. The work was made using several tools and techniques such as MAX/MSP programming, Midi sonification and Pink Trombone human voice synthesizer missuse. The work deals with glitch art, humour and grotesqueness.
More information on June 4th on-site event.
About the Artist:
Andre Perim is a Multimedia Artist, Musician and Composer. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
In 2018 produced “SIDE EFFECTS” based in the soundscape of an intensive care unit . In 2020 produced "XAMÃ", dedicated to the indigenous Brazilian people, composed during the burning of the Amazonian rain forest in 2019 and presented at the The Climate Change Conference COP 26 (2021) in Glasgow (Scotland) In 2020 his composition "COAGULATION" was awarded by the site SoundSilenceThought and presented at SoundPedro 2021 as well as "INFOTOXICATION"
Artist Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Social Media: Artist Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook