Susan Rawcliffe & Corrado Gong
Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site June 4th:
Improvisations & Brief Eupneic Response
"I had the pleasure of collecting, what are essentially field recordings of Susan, inside her studio, activating her beautiful instruments. I wanted to respect these gathered sonifications by leaving them pretty much intact. My contribution is a short, hopefully unobtrusive, response based on the staccato of her breath catches as well as the legato of her deeper inhalations."
(Corrado is sonifier and arts facilitator.)
More information on June 4th on-site event.
About the Artists:
For many years, Susan Rawcliffe has been making, playing and researching ceramic flutes, pipes, ocarinas, whistles, trumpets and sound sculptures. Her work evolves through a circular process of making acoustical studies of ancient and contemporary instruments, learning to play them, and then creating the next generation of instruments and music. In addition to extensive exhibitions, performances, and lectures she is a recognized scholar of pre-conquest mesoamerican musical instruments. Grants include a McKnight Visiting Composer's grant in Minneapolis, MN; a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to research prehispanic ceramic flutes in Mexico; and a Cultural Explorers International Grant from the Department of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles, for research on a collection of over 300 West Mexican pre-Hispanic clay flutes and sound sculptures located in Bangor University, Wales, UK.
Artist Location: San Pedro, CA