C. Matthew Luther
soundpedro2020schizophonia participation:
Breathe Video included in Earmaginations [silent videos]
The flow of Water Video included in Earmaginations [silent videos]
On Parade Video included in Earmaginations [silent videos]
Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2020:
Earmaginations Silent video The flow of Water
My video work is a reflective and cathartic version of my two-dimensional artwork which is a playful approach to illusion and surface. I use photographs in combination with paint and printmaking techniques to construct paintings that investigate concepts of abstraction, human ideology, and digital consciousness in connection with nature. With video I am able to isolate ideas and moments that capture me. I can take those moments and alter the timeline or piece them together like a collage to reflect a new memory. These memories become visually immersive and new imagined environments.
Matthew Luther employs multimedia processes in his studio work from painting to video. His work often explores the human relationship to nature and the connection of visual imagery to memory. His work has recently been exhibited at San Diego Mesa College, LA-ESXLA, and the Riverside Art Museum along with international exhibitions in China, Italy, and South Korea. Luther has been a visiting Artist-in-Residence in Iceland, Sweden, and Finland and recently was a presenter at the 2019 New Media Caucus Symposium at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Artist Location: Riverside, CA
Social Media: Artist Website | Instagram