Phoebe Barnum & Beth Elliott & Turdmeister (BET QU)
soundpedro 2021 participation: VBODOBV | dEvolution: Personnel σειρήνες & June 5th Audioscapes Coronoise: deflections of disquiet
“The Greeks imagine that, ‘there were three Sirens, part virgins, part birds,’ with wings and claws. ‘One of them sang, another played the flute, the third the lyre.’ ”
(from Isidore’s Etymologiae)
“If anyone goes near them/in ignorance, and listens to their voices/they will never travel back home.”
(from Homer’s Odýsseia)
Synopsis of Process:
(Amid the wail of sirens):
B: "The COVID-19 Dance & Dodge, with folks on the street, reminds me of the courtship displays of birds."
E: "Between this delicious death mask bread, peeking out from between Matilija poppies and banana leaves, and the funk art costumes on our dancing skins, I truly feel memento-mori-nourished and agonistically avian."
T: "Let me digest that."
Materials: field recordings; voice & voise; neandertal flute; bird calls (including peacock, crow, and lyrebird); etc.
Phoebe Barnum & Beth Elliott & Turdmeister (BET QU)
Bewteen us: MOCA, Il Corral, The Craft Contemporary, LA Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles; Seattle Art Museum; Western Association of Art Museums; Smithsonian Museum; SoundWalk, Long Beach; Bayerische Staatsoper, Bayersische Staatsballet, Munich; Galerjia ’73, Belgrad; CEMC/EMSAN, Beijing; NUS Arts Festival, Singapore; Hong Kong Arts Centre; 1Teater Kecil 2Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Indonesia; Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival; Computer Music Journal [MIT Press]; NPR; Centaur Records; New World Records; National Geospatial Agency; National Endowment for the Arts; et al.